首页> 中文期刊>重庆三峡学院学报 >试论汉字型文字的反切字




反切是一种汉字注音方法,用两个字相拼,切上字取声母,切下字取韵母和声调,两相拼合即是被切字的读音。反切字是为交际需要而产生的特殊文字,它采用反切的方法创造而成,形体上用两个整字、整字与偏旁或偏旁与偏旁拼合而成,字音是组成它的字的音的拼合。拼合造形、反切造音是其基本特点。反切字与合文、合形字、合音字有联系也有区别。反切字存在于汉字型文字中,体现出反切不仅仅只是一种注音方法。%Fanqie is a Chinese phonetic method. It uses two words to make a new spelling: the initial part of the first character and the final part of second character are taken out to make a new pronunciation. Fanqie-type characters are used to meet special communicative propose. It applies various methods to make new character: two whole characters are used, a whole character and a part of another character are combined, one part of a character and one part of another character are taken out to form a new character. The pronunciation is the combination of the components used. Fanqie-type characters are different but related to combined character and form-combined and pronunciation-combined characters. Fanqie-type characters are found in Chinese character system, reflecting that it is not just a phonetic method.



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