首页> 中文期刊>重庆三峡学院学报 >生态脆弱型贫困地区的经济增长与环境污染研究--以三峡库区腹心城市重庆市万州区为例




生态问题已经成为21世纪人类社会最重要的问题之一,如何在发展经济的同时保护好生态环境是当前许多国家面临的两难选择。作为生态脆弱的贫困地区——重庆市万州区而言,在发展社会经济的同时如何保护好生态环境更具有紧迫性和挑战性。万州区既是国家级贫困城市、重庆市“一圈两翼”中“渝东北翼”的中心城市,又是三峡库区的腹心城市,一方面,发展地区经济,摆脱贫困,实现区域经济的腾飞,是万州义不容辞的责任;另一方面,保护生态环境,特别是长江水资源环境和沿江水土资源、植物资源等,又是万州区必然的历史使命。用万州区2002—2011年的相关数据来分析万州社会经济发展与工业三废的关系,既能掌握和理解万州地区生产总值与工业三废之间的关系,又能找出它们之间的发展规律,为万州这样的生态脆弱型贫困地区的社会经济发展提供借鉴,也能进一步的检验环境库兹涅茨曲线在类似地区的具体表现。%Ecological problems have become one of the most important issues in twenty-first Century, many countries are facing how to protect the ecological environment while developing economy. Ii is more urgent and challenging to Wanzhou District of Chongqing City, an ecological fragile and poverty area. Wanzhou is not only a poverty city, and the centre city of northeast Chongqing, but also the centre city of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, on the one hand, it is the bounden duty of Wanzhou to develop regional economy, get rid of poverty, and realize economic development of northeast Chongqing; on the other hand, it is the inevitable historical mission of Wanzhou to protect ecological environment, especially the Yangtze River water resources environment and the water and soil resources, plant resources. Using the data of Wanzhou from 2002 to 2011 to analyze the relationship between Wanzhou's social and economic development and industrial wastes, not only can grasp and understand the relationship between GDP and industrial wastes in Wanzhou , and to find out the development law between them, provide reference for the ecological fragile and poverty area like Wanzhou, also can specific performance test environment Kuznets curve in similar area.



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