首页> 中文期刊>小型微型计算机系统 >面向云计算的工作流技术




云计算的发展,对提高服务质量与压缩运行成本提出了新的要求.在此背景下,工作流技术被认为是一种较为优越的解决方案:从云计算用户的角度看,工作流提供了对复杂应用的抽象定义、灵活配置和自动化运行;从云计算服务提供者的角度看,工作流实现了任务的自动调度、资源的优化和管理.文章介绍工作流技术与云计算;阐述了云工作流产生的背景;深入剖析了云工作流的技术特征以及与其他工作流(业务工作流、网格工作流)的异同;列举了云工作流的4个实现案例,并对其进行比较.最后,在总结全文的同时,展望了云工作流技术的发展前景.%Along with the development of Cloud Computing, improving OoS (Quality of Service) as well as reducing OC(Operation Cost) is increasingly becoming an urgent goal. Cloud-oriented workflow technology is now regarded as a pretty good solution; For users of could computing, cloud workflow enables a complex application instance to be abstractly defined, flexibly configured and auto-operated ; for enterprises who provide cloud services, cloud workflow brings them auto-scheduling of tasks, optimization and management of computing resource. This paper proposed a short introduction to the technology of both workflow and Cloud Computing; Introduced the background in which Cloud Workflow generated; Meanwhile, the following part fully compared Cloud Workflow with other workflows (Business Workflow and Grid Workflow) according to the technical characteristics of workflow; After that, 4 instances of Cloud Workflow management system are listed, as well as their similarities and differences. At the end of this paper, a summary, and predicted the possible trend of Cloud Workflow in the future are given.



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