


After studying features of multi-product pipeline network, using the minimum energy cost as the objective function, an optimal mathematical model was established considering pressures and flow rate restraints, operation restraints of different pump stations and energy balance of pipeline network. The model was solved using dynamic programming algorithm.The optimal pump configuration was provided by the model. Then the optimal mathematical model was applied to some products pipeline network to demonstrate its feasibility. The results by the optimal model were compared with those of exhaustive method. The results show that the model could draw out the optimal pump configuration and work efficiently in pipeline transpertation engineering.%针对我国成品油管网的特点,以管网运行周期内的能耗费用最小为目标函数,考虑管网中各站场的进、出站压力约束、管网高低点压力约束及管网运行时的能量平衡约束等建立成品油管网优化运行的数学模型,并采用分阶段动态规划方法求解模型,得出管网系统在输送周期内各时段的优化配泵方案.将模型应用于某成品油管网,并将优化模拟计算结果与穷举法的计算结果进行对比分析.结果表明,优化模型可以得到令人满意的配泵方案,且计算效率更高,可以较好地应用于工程实践.



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