首页> 中文期刊> 《情报学报》 >面向价值投资决策的情报收集与分析研究




This paper conduct research on calculating the intrinsic value of stocks about information gathering and analyzing under the background of using value method to invest proposed by the government. There are two kinds of models to estimate the intrinsic value of stocks, that is, the absolute model and the comparable model, and the related information of which could be gathered from quantity and quality point of view. Using information gathered from various information sources and with the help of absolute and comparable intrinsic value models, the share's intrinsic value could be estimated and the investment decision could be made after comparing with their respective share prices.%面向股票价值投资决策的情报研究属于专业情报研究的范畴,这些专业情报对于资本市场投资者极为重要,它决定着投资者能否赚到钱.在我国证券监管部门不断倡导价值投资理念并鼓励股民进行价值投资的大背景下,本文从情报收集与分析角度,对面向价值投资决策情报收集与分析的途径、内容和方法进行了研究.股票内在价值的计算模型有绝对估值模型和相对估值模型两种,其相关信息情报的收集可从定量和定性两个方面考虑.根据从多途径收集到的信息情报可运用绝对估值模型和相对估值模型对股票内在价值进行计算,并与股票交易价格相比进行股票购买和出售的投资决策.



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