首页> 中文期刊> 《水文》 >定点式声学多普勒流速仪的应用难点与误差分析




H-ADCP has been popularly used in domestic nowadays. However, the application is still very superficial. There are few people study the method of error control and parameter optimization, which influence the measurement accuracy of H-ADCP. In order to solve some difficult problems in the use of H-ADCP, this paper discussed the measurement error of H-ADCP in three aspects of error performance of flow meter method. Taking the test error as the result control, this paper analyzed the error sources and difficulties in application of H-ADCP. Some examples were used to illustrate the optimization method for improving the application accuracy. According to the method mentioned in this paper, some examination and optimization were made, which can help reduce the error of measurement and improve the accuracy of the H-ADCP method.%定点式声学多普勒流速仪(简称“HADCP”)在国内已较为普及,但对其应用却多停留在表面,鲜有人研究其测验误差控制及参数优化方法,影响HADCP测流精度。为解决HADCP使用中的一些疑难问题,从流速仪测验误差表现的三方面对HADCP的测流误差开展讨论。以测验误差为控制指标,对HADCP在使用中各个环节的误差来源及应用难点进行分析,并以多个实例阐明提高仪器应用精度的优化设置方法。按照所论及方法进行对照检查并合理优化,可减小测流误差,提高HADCP测流方案的整体精度。



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