首页> 中文期刊>中国井冈山干部学院学报 >当前南海形势及走向




南海问题的实质是南沙岛礁主权和海域管辖权争议,涉及“五国六方”。近年来,受美国全球战略调整等多重因素的影响,南海问题持续升温,有关争端国不断加大权益声索和实际管控力度,地区局势愈演愈烈。南海是我国国防安全海上屏障、发展制海权的重要战略出海口、经济和能源安全的海上运输要道及未来的能源和资源基地。新阶段,南海局势将继续保持升温态势,因此我国需要从国家总体发展战略全局出发,把握并延长战略机遇期,通盘考虑国际和国内影响因素,长远谋划妥善处理南海问题战略和战术决策,有效化解面临的巨大挑战,确保整体利益最大化。%The essence of the South China Sea issue is the dispute among five states and Chinese Taiwan over the sovereignty of Nansha Islands and jurisdiction of maritime zones in the South China Sea. In recent years,relevant disputants have been intensifying the attempts to bolster their claims and actual control. Regional situation has been moving towards greater tensions. The South China Sea acts as a maritime shield for China to strengthen na_tional defense,an important sea outlet for China to gain sea power,significant sea lanes for China to safeguard e_conomic and energy security,and a base for China to secure energy and other resources in the future. Therefore, it is imperative for China to maintain the maritime rights. In a new historical period when the South China Sea situation continue to intensify,we should approach the South China Sea issue from the standpoint of overall na_tional development strategy,seek important opportunities for strategic development,take international and domes_tic factors into account,develop long_term strategic and tactical countermeasures to alleviate the current situa_tion and maximize China′s interests.



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