首页> 中文期刊> 《中国临床医学影像杂志》 >椎管内臂丛神经根损伤类型的CTM冠状位像诊断价值




Objective: To analyze the types of brachial plexus root avulsion within spinal canal on coronal image of CT-myelography (CTM). Methods: Two hundred and ninety-seven cases with brachial plexus injury underwent 16-slice and 64-sliee CT scanning after myelography and coronal, sagittal and oblique axial reconstructive images of CTM were reviewed and correlated with surgical findings as gold standard. Results: The injury of 768 brachial plexus roots within spinal canal was shown on CTM, including 608 cases of complete avulsions, 121 cases of partial avulsions(single anterior or posterior root avulsion in 69, partial anterior or posterior root avulsion in 52) and 39 cases of broken nerve roots. Special signs of partial anterior or posterior root avulsion and the breaking of nerve roots were found on the coronal reconstructive images. Conclusion: It will be more accurate to evaluate the injury types of brachial plexus roots within spinal canal combining the coronal and oblique axial reconstructive images of CTM.%目的:探讨脊髓造影后CT(CTM)冠状位像在椎管内臂丛神经根损伤及损伤类型中的诊断价值.材料与方法:CTM检查成人外伤性臂丛神经损伤297例,均行常规锁骨上探查臂丛神经根术,在重建的冠状位、斜横轴位和矢状位像上观察神经根.结果:共发现768个椎管内神经根损伤,完全型撕脱共608个;部分型损伤121个,其中单纯前根或后根完全撕脱69个,前根和/或后根部分撕脱的有52个;神经根断裂型损伤39个.前根和/或后根部分撕脱及神经根断裂在重建的冠状位图像上有较特异表现.结论:CTM横轴位像结合重建冠状位像能更准确的显示椎管内臂丛神经根损伤及确定损伤类型.



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