首页> 中文期刊> 《常熟理工学院学报》 >植物提取物对沙塘鳢胚胎发育的影响




This paper investigated the effect of the irritating and volatile water-soluble extracts from four agricul⁃tural plants including onion, Chinese garlic, ginger, and green pepper on the embryonic development of Odonto⁃butis potamophila. The results showed that all the four plant extracts had no toxic effects on the embryonic devel⁃opment of Odontobutis potamophila. At the temperature range of 15-20.5 ℃, the death peak occurred at the ear⁃ly stage of organ formation. After 14 days, the development of embryo tended to be normal, and after 18 days, larvae successfully broke the membrane. The extracts derived from these four plants showed the inhibition effect on the water mold, and the effect of extracts was Chinese garlic> ginger> onion> green pepper. In the concentra⁃tion gradient of 1%, 3% and 5%, the survival rate increases as the concentration increases.%以人工受精的沙塘鳢受精卵为材料,研究洋葱、大蒜、生姜、辣椒等4种有刺激性和挥发性物质的农产品水溶性提取物对受精卵早期发育的影响.结果表明:(1)4种农产品提取物均对沙塘鳢胚胎发育无毒害作用;(2)15~20.5℃条件下沙塘鳢受精卵胚胎发育死亡高峰主要发生在器官形成前期,14 d后胚胎发育趋于稳定,18 d可见幼体出膜;(3)4种农产品提取物对水霉有一定的抑制作用,作用效果为大蒜>生姜>洋葱>辣椒,且在每种农产品提取液的1%,3%,5%3个浓度中成活率与浓度呈正相关.



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