首页> 中文期刊> 《长沙大学学报》 >整合世界文化名人资源,打造长沙国际文化名城




屈原和毛泽东,一个将“哀民生之多艰”的情怀铸进诗篇,一个将人民当家作主的新中国谱写在世界的东方。屈原在长沙赋《怀沙》,投身汨罗江,这里是他人生的归宿;毛泽东在长沙“指点江山”、“挥斥方遒”,走向世界,这里是他革命人生的起点。以屈原、毛泽东两位具有世界影响的古今文化名人为代表,结合与长沙有关的其他历史文化名人,打造“世界文化名人之都”品牌,才是长沙将来成为国际大都市的文化标志。%QU Yuan and MAO Zedong,one of them cast the feeling of “caring about peoples’welfare and living with many difficulties”into the poems,and the other wrote the history of a new China in the eastern world.Here QU Yuan wrote Huaisha and jumped into the Miluo River,which is the fate of his life;here MAO Zedong,“pointing to our mountains and rivers”,“Hui Chi Fang Qiu”,and walked towards the world,which is the starting point of his revolutionary life.Taking QU Yuan and MAO Zedong,two celebrities with world reputation in ancient and modern culture as representers,together with other Changsha relevant historical and cultural celebrities, create a brand of “city with world famous cultural celebrities”,which is the cultural symbol for Changsha as an international metropo-lis.



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