首页> 中文期刊> 《长江蔬菜》 >不同无机肥对夏秋浅水芹生长情况和产量的影响




We studied the effects of different kinds of nitrogen fertilizers and different dosages of phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer on growth and yield of shallow water dropwort, when the same amount of organic fertilizer was used in the base fertilizer. The results showed that, the best fertilization formula for the shallow water dropwort in summer and autumn was chicken manure 500 kg/667 m2, urea 19 kg/667 m2 and potassium sulfate 25 kg/667 m2 in the base fertilizer, and urea 8 kg/667 m2 organic fertilizer in the additional fertilizer. The nitrogen fertilizer urea was better than ammonium bicarbonate, and the reduction of phosphate fertilizer had no effect on yield, in addition, withdrawal of potash fertilizer could even increase yield. A certain amount of potash fertilizer in the additional fertilizer could meet growth demands of the late stage ofshallow water dropwort.%在基肥中使用有机肥相同的情况下,研究不同种类氮肥和不同磷、钾肥用量对夏秋浅水芹生长和产量的影响。试验结果表明,夏秋浅水芹生产的最优施肥配方为:每667 m2基肥施鸡粪500 kg、尿素19 kg、硫酸钾25 kg,追肥施尿素8 kg、硫酸钾7 kg;氮肥尿素优于碳酸氢铵,减少磷肥用量,对产量无影响,不施钾肥更能增产;追肥中需加入一定量的钾肥,满足水芹后期生长需求。



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