首页> 中文期刊>中南林业科技大学学报 >春秋季不同环境下山茶的光合特性研究




对山茶叶片净光合速率(μmol·m-2s-1)和蒸腾速率(mmol·m-2s-1)等生理因子以及光照强度(μmo1·m-2s-1)、气温(℃)、相对湿度(%)等环境因子进行了测定.结果表明:适宜的环境条件,有利于山茶净光合速率的升高,但由于气孔调节的局限,光合作用在中午会出现午休现象;山茶的蒸腾速率与温度显著相关,温度升高,蒸腾作用加强.在春秋季的比较中,秋季的光合效率和蒸腾作用最强,其固碳增湿量也显著高于春季.而不同的光照环境反映出,山茶在经过上午光诱导后,光合速率和蒸腾速率能保持较高水平,但中午的强光导致午休现象的出现,光合作用下降,因此在与上层乔木搭配时,应给予适当的光诱导,同时又提供中午遮荫环境.%The physiological factors of Camellia japonica such as net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate, and environmental factors such as light intensity, air temperature, relative humidity were measured in spring and autumn. The results are as follows: With the appropriate environmental conditions, Pn increased gradually, but when it got the limitation of stomata regulation, PD presented middy depression. The transpiration rate of Camellia japonica was significantly associated with temperature. As the temperature increased, transpiration was strengthened. After the comparison of spring and autumn, photosynthetic efficiency and transpiration were better in autumn, and carbon fixation and humidification content were significantly higher than in spring. In different light environments the photoperiodic induction in the morning made photosynthesis and transpiration maintained at a higher level, but strong light inducing middy depression got the photosynthesis deducing. So Camellia japonica planted with upper trees should be given the suitable photoperiodic induction and also shade environment at noon.



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