首页> 中文期刊>中南林业科技大学学报 >等渗透势干旱、盐、碱胁迫下5个枣品种及酸枣的生物学响应与抗逆性




试验研究等渗透势干旱、盐、碱胁迫下枣和酸枣的生物学响应,鉴评它们对这3种主要的非生物胁迫的抗性差异.以2年生金丝小枣等5个枣品种及砧木—酸枣苗为试材,在-0.30 MPa、-1.15 MPa 2种渗透势下,设计干旱胁迫(用PEG-6 000模拟)、盐(NaCl)胁迫、碱(NaHCO3)胁迫3种逆境,以浇灌1/2Hoagland溶液、不加PEG-6000或NaCl或NaHCO3的处理为对照.生物量较生长量更能准确反映枣和酸枣对干旱、盐、碱胁迫的响应,但其中各个指标的响应存在显著差异:在植株生长量诸指标中,株高特别是冠幅的差异性很小,对胁迫种类及强度敏感度低,而枣头枝长度和基部直径对胁迫种类及强度的敏感度明显为高,是以生长量反映对胁迫响应的合适指标;在生物量诸指标中,植株叶生物量、脱落性枝生物量的响应最敏感,其次是全株生物量,茎生物量、根生物量的响应最不敏感, (叶+脱落性枝)生物量/全株生物量的响应与全株生物量的响应相似.以(叶+脱落性枝)生物量、全株生物量及(叶+脱落性枝)生物量/全株生物量3项关键指标综合评价,参试的5个枣品种及酸枣对前述逆境的抗性差异显著.其中:耐旱性最强的是大瓜枣和梨枣,耐盐性最强的是大瓜枣,耐碱性最强的是酸枣和大瓜枣.同时,5个枣品种及酸枣各自对3种逆境的响应也有明显差异:大瓜枣是一个对3种非生物逆境抗性都很优良的枣品种;冬枣既不耐干旱,也不耐盐碱,但相对而言,其耐盐性>抗旱性>耐碱性.枣属植物对干旱、盐、碱胁迫的抗性实际上存在很大差异.枣树引种栽培应重视品种的生理生态特性.枣优良新品种培育应关注亲本品种本身对主要逆境的抗性.%The biological responses of five Chineses jujube cultivars and sour date mainly grown in East China to iso-osmotic drought, salt and alkaline stresses were investigated and the resistant differences were evaluated. By taking 2-year old grafted plants of ' Jinsixiaozao' and other four Chinese jujuba cultivars and sour date seedlings as the tested materials, under osmotic potential of -0.30 MPa and -1.15 MPa, irrigated with l/2Hoagland nutrient solution, and taking without added PEG-6000 and NaCl and NaHCO3 as the control, the drought (simulated with PEG-6000), salt and alkaline stresses were conducted. The results show that the biomass was more acurate than the growth index to reflect the responses of Chinese jujuba and sour date to the stresses, the differences among the indexes were significant; the plant height and crown diameter were hardly differences to same stress, however, length and base diamete of leading-head limb were rather sensitive to stress type and its osmotic potention; leaf biomass and abcisic limb biomass were much sensitive to these stresses, next was plant biomass, stem biomass and root biomass were Least sensitive to these stresses. The differences of resistances to these stresses of the 5 Chinese jujube cultivars and sour date were significant alluvaled with 3 sensitive indexes, leaf biomass-t- deciduate branches biomass, plant biomas and their ratio (leaf biomass+ deciduatc branches biomass)/plant biomas, in which Daguanzao and Lizao were the most to drought stress, Daguazao was the most to salt tolerance, sour date and Daguazao were the most to alkaline tolerance. Meanwhile, responses of each of 5 Chinese jujuba cultivars and sour date to these stresses were different; Daguazao is a good cultivar with super tolerances to dropught, salt and alkaline stresses; while Dongzao is a cultivar of neither drought resistancern nor salt and alkaline tolerances, compartively, its salt tolerance is stronger than drought resistance or alkaline tolerance. These results indicate that resistance defferences of Chinese jujuba cultivars to abiotic stresses were rather large in fact, and palying more attention to eco-physiological characterestics of cultivar itselt is neessary in Chinese jujuba cultivar introduction and brieding.



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