首页> 中文期刊> 《中南林业科技大学学报》 >集体林区商品林采伐管理制度改革的系统分析及策略




After reforming the collective forest rights system in China, some local counties and municipals piloted and explored the reform of commercial forest cutting management system, including the controlled harvesting according to sub-compartment area, regulating the allotments of cutting quota, simplifying inventory&design of cutting area and application procedures of cutting licenses etc. Based on the analyses to the achievements and problems of cutting management system reforms at some counties and municipals, some recommendations for deepening reform of commercial forest cutting management system were put forward such as (1) implementing flexible harvest management, (2) strengthening cutting region’s survey and design, (3) strengthening the natural commercial forest’s harvesting management and (4) exploring an excitation mechanism of forestry tax collection and management approaches.%集体林权制度改革后,一些集体林区县市开始试点探索商品林采伐管理制度改革,包括实施按小班面积控制采伐、规范采伐指标分配、实行简易伐区调查设计、简化办证程序等措施。在对一些县市试点改革成效和问题进行系统分析的基础上,提出了进一步深化集体林区商品林采伐管理制度改革的建议,如,(1)实施有弹性的采伐量管理;(2)强化伐区调查设计;(3)加强天然商品林的采伐管理;(4)探索具激励性的林业税费征收管理办法。



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