首页> 中文期刊> 《灾害学》 >*高速公路沿线黄土滑坡群(带)的利导与整治




岢(岚)—临(县)高速公路地处黄土高原腹地的吕梁山脉中北段,沿线近80 km 范围内有百余个成带或成群分布的黄土滑坡。初勘和详勘查明了沿线滑坡群产生的地质环境条件和诱发因素,论证了滑坡群的成因机理与活动特征针对不同路段滑坡群(带)的发育特征和活动性,提出了相应的利导建议与防治措施:对滑坡危害特别严重且有备选路线的路段,建议采取选线避让措施;对滑体小、滑坡相对稳定的路段,提出了公路建设与沿线土地利用有效结合的削方减载回填压脚的措施;对稳定性差且无备选线路避让的滑坡,采用线路微调结合一定的支挡措施;对滑坡间存在相互牵制,或规模较大、稳定性差的滑坡,需开展专项治理设计。所得结论为科学、经济地整治沿线滑坡灾害提供了技术支撑。%The highway from Kelan to Linxian is located in the north section of Lvliang Mountain which lies in central region of Loess Plateau.In the range of nearly 80km along the highway,there are hundreds of loess land-slides in zonal distribution,which have significant impact on route optimization,safety construction and mainte-nance operation of highway,so it is crucial for engineering.Through the first exploration and the detailed explora-tion,the geological environment and inducing factors have been found out,and the genetic mechanism and activity characteristics of landslides have been demonstrated.According to the different development characteristics and ac-tivities of different sections of highway,we proposed corresponding suggestion and the control measures.We should combine the route fine-tuning with some retaining measures to ensure the stability of landslides and roadbed.To sum up,the conclusion provides technical support for the scientific and economic improvement of landslides.



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