首页> 中文期刊>首都医科大学学报 >中国高校科技期刊群数字化平台建设的探索




The practice of the science and technology( sci-tech) periodical industry at home and abroad proved that the clustering and digital publishing are an important way to improve the core competitiveness and academic influence of sci-tech periodicals. Chinese University Sci-tech Periodicals is an important part of Chinese Sci-tech Periodicals, it should apply the same way to make them more powerful and, expanded in scale and Chinese University Sci-tech Periodicals should also have a digital publishing platform for themselves development. Because of differences in managements, sponsors and places of the Chinese University Sci-tech Periodicals, they should base on the same or near scientific fields of periodicals to integrate and cluster, then to make a digital publishing platform together. Such a way will provide new insights for the digital development for Chinese University Sci-tech Periodicals.%国内外科技期刊业发展的实践证明,科技期刊要想提高核心竞争力和学术影响力必须走集群化、数字化发展的道路。中国高校科技期刊作为为中国科技期刊出版的一支生力军,如果要做大做强只有走集群数字化发展的道路,为此中国高校科技期刊群应该有一个属于自己数字化的出版平台。鉴于当前众多高校科技期刊主管主办地域的不同,走依托学科专业内容横向联合构建数字化科技期刊平台不失为一种较为稳妥的高校数字化集群发展的模式。



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