首页> 中文期刊> 《北京中医药大学学报 》 >治未病理论在防治电离辐射致男性生殖功能损伤中的运用




男性生殖系统,尤其是其中的睾丸,对射线高度敏感,小剂量电离辐射即可导致睾丸损伤,引起生精障碍,进而导致男性暂时或永久不育.中医学治未病理论未雨绸缪、防患于未然的预防思想,对减轻射线对生殖功能的损伤、促进生殖功能的恢复有重要指导意义.未病先防,扶正固本是照前辐射防护的基本原则,此过程以扶助正气为主,提高机体整体的抗病和恢复能力,同时还需特异性地加强对生殖系统的保护,用药以补气养血、养阴润燥、补肾益精为主,佐以少量泻火解毒、清热生津、凉血止血中药.损伤后既病防变,当着眼于整体,以补肝肾、益精血、疏肝健脾、交通心肾为主,辅以清热解毒、生津、活血化瘀诸法.病后的保养也十分重要,应保持良好、健康的生活方式.%Male reproductive system,especially the testicles,is highly sensitive to radiation rays.Small dose of ionizing radiation will lead to testicular injury,which results in spermatogenesis obstacle,and then causes temporary or permanent infertility.The theory of " preventive treatment of disease" in Chinese medicine,namely the ideas of prevention,has important guiding significance to prevent the reproductive system from being injured by radiation and to promote restoration.Before being radiated,the basic principle is to reinforce healthy qi and improve disease-resistant and recovery capability.The Chinese therapiesl with effects of tonifying Qi and blood,nourishing Yin and moistening dryness,replenishing kidney and nourishing essence are mainly used,and simultaneously assisting by medicinal with effects of purging heat and relieving toxin,clearing heat and engendering fluid,and cooling blood and stopping bleeding.After being injured by radiation,in order to prevent from deterioration and improve recovery,Chinese therapies which can invigorate kidney and liver,nourish essence and blood,soothe liver and strengthen spleen,and restore coordination between heart and kidney should be used with a view to the overall,at the same time,medicinal with effects of clearing heat and relieving toxin,engendering fluid,and activating blood and resolving stasis can be used complementally.Health care after being cured is very important as well,and a healthy life style should be maintained.



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