首页> 中文期刊>北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版) >规范性文件备案审查制度的“合法性”研究




The 6 clauses formulating the various systems in the review of the record of regulatory documents in the fifth chapter of the "Supervision Law of the Standing Committee of People’s Congress at All Levels of the People’s Republic of China" have legal defects.The Regulatory Documents’ Filing and Examination System formulated by the supervision law apparently emphasizes the functions of state organs at higher levels in legislative oversight.However,because the practice of doubling the record and subordinating to the higher authorities for the record is using simple chief hierarchical supervision mode,it doesn’t consider the oneness and the authority of legislation,and its effects will inevitably lose the proper institutional functions.The Supervision Saw and The Constitution contradict with the legislative oversight system on the improper decisions and orders made by local state administrative organs.Since the system of judicial interpretation and submitting to record review is too loose with the supervision law presented to the supreme people’s court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate,a specific condition of the Filing and Examination System must be set up so as to further improve the actual effect of legislative oversight.We should strengthen the Regulatory Documents’ Filing and Examination,and improve the quality of legislative oversight.Finally,this analysis also concerns about the legality of regulatory documents’ filing and examination system,and establishes a system of laws and regulations with a unified interpretation of laws and regulations to solve the conflict between the regulatory documents and legislative subject.%《中华人民共和国各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法》第5章所规定的"规范性文件的备案审查"6个条文所规定的各项制度存在法理缺陷,由于"双重备案"与"下级向上级备案"采取的是简单的"行政层次式"监督模式,没有考虑到立法统一性和权威性的特点,实践的效果必然是丧失了备案制度应当有的制度功能。监督法对最高人民法院和最高人民检察院的司法解释提请备案审查的程序过于宽松,必须要设定提请备案审查的具体条件,进一步提高立法监督工作的实效。要强化规范性文件的备案审查,提高立法监督的质量,归根结底要关注规范性文件备案审查制度的"合法性",要通过建立完善的法律法规统一解释制度来解决法律法规、规范性文件之间的法律冲突和不同的立法主体之间的立法权限的冲突。



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