首页> 中文期刊>宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版) >西周“大学”、“辟雍”考辨∗




Royal Academy in Western Zhou Dynasty was also named Pi Yong,Da Chi (Big Pond)and Bi Chi (A Round Pond).As its name reveals,the shape of Pi Yong is like that of traditional gear-like jade.The outer ring of Pi Yong is a large round pool of artificial construction,and there is a round platform in the cen-ter,which is referred to as Ling Tai or terraced building.The lofty and wallless buildings and ancestral tem-ples are constructed on the platform,and they are called Royal Academy or Pi Yong.Ling You Hunting Gar-den is built to the west of the pond,and fowls and beasts are raised in it,and they are the shooting objects of Pi Yong and are used as sacrificial offerings to worship heaven and ancestors.People went to Pi Yong by ship or boat.This way of archery is different from records in ancient literature in that since the Spring and Autumn Period,archers took the static targets as their shooting objects.%西周时期的“大学”之名又称“辟雍”,西周金文中写作“璧雝”,又称“大池”、“璧池”。辟雍的形状如同所命名,十分肖似玉璧之状,外围是一个人工修建的圆形大池,中心是圆形的高台,古文献中又称为“灵台”,古文献又称为“台榭”,高台上建有高大而没有墙壁的“宣榭”和宗庙,这就是“大学”、“辟雍”。灵沼之西岸修建有“灵囿”,养育有飞禽走兽,是“大学”辟雍射击的对象,也是用来祭祀上帝和祖先神的祭品;“辟雍”台榭靠船只或舟梁与外交通连接。这和古文献所记春秋以来射箭只以侯靶为对象的方式完全不同。



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