首页> 中文期刊>原子与分子物理学报 >金属铜Cu凝固过程中晶体生长与团簇微观结构演变特性的模拟研究




A tracing simulation study has been performed on the rule of crystal-growth and transition properties of microstructrue of nano-clusters during solidification process of liquid metal Cu using the molecular dynamics method and Quantum Sutton-Chen many body potential. The bond-type index method of Honeycutt-Andersen(HA)and a new cluster-type index method(CTIM-2) have been used to analyse the bond-type of metal Cu atoms and evolution properties of atomic cluster configuration. It is found that the crystal and amorphous mixed coexistence structures are formed finally in the system when the cooling rate is 1. 0X1013 K/s. At the cooling rate of 4. 0X1012 K/s, crystal structure begins to be formed at 673K in the system,and the crystal structures mainly with the 1421 and 1422 bond-types are formed. Fee and hep play a very important role in forming crystal copper. Espeically.fcc (12 0 0 0 12 0) basic cluster consisting of 1421 bond-type occupied a dominant position in crystal-growth and the forming processes of nano-cluster structures.%采用分子动力学方法和Quantum Sutton-Chen (QS-C)多体势,对液态金属铜(Cu)凝固过程中的晶体生长规律及纳米团簇微观结构转变特性进行了模拟跟踪研究.运用Honeycutt-Andersen (HA)键型指教法和新的原子团类型指数法(CTIM-2)分析了金属Cu原子的成键类型和原子团簇结构演变特性.结果发现:当以1.0×1013K/s速率凝固时,系统最终形成晶体和非晶体混合共存结构;在以4.0×1012 K/s速度冷却时,系统从673 K就开始结晶,并形成以1421和1422二种键型为主的晶体结构;面心立方(FCC)和六角密集(HCP)结构在形成晶体铜时起着非常重要的作用,尤其是由1421键型构成的面心立方(12000120)基本原子团在晶体生长和纳米团簇结构形成过程中占主导地位.



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