首页> 中文期刊> 《宇航学报》 >AOS虚拟信道复用技术研究与仿真




为有效传输空间数据系统不同业务类型的大容量、高速率数据,AOS中各虚拟信道以时分复用的方式共享同一物理信道,通过对数据类型的分析,设计了一种边界可移动的VIP/同步/异步混合复用方式,并确定了同步虚拟信道和异步虚拟信道的调度策略.从各虚拟信道的吞吐量、剩余量、缓存需求和延时性能角度进行仿真,结果表明该复用技术兼顾了不同业务数据的特征,比全同步复用方式具有更高的复用效率,比全异步复用方式具有更好的公平性,可保证信道合理高效利用.%All virtual channels share the same physical channel in the way of time-division multiplexing in Advanced Orbiting Systems( AOS) , in order to efficiently transfer different types of data with high-capacity and high-speed in space data system. By the analysis of data types, a mixed multiplexing mode is designed. In this mode, it' s changeable for the boundaries of VIP. synchronous and asynchronous virtual channels. Scheduling strategies for synchronous and asynchronous virtual channels are identified. In this paper, the simulaion is done based on throughput, residual, buffer capaccity requirement and delay of each virtual channel. Simulation result demonstrates that this multiplexing technique can synthetically consider the characteristics of different data, and can ensure the rational and efficient utilization of the physical channel.Meanwhile. it is more efficient than synchronous mode and more equitable than asynchronous mode.



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