首页> 中文期刊> 《应用光学》 >多电极静电拉伸薄膜反射镜的光学检测




利用研制的φ300 mm口径多电极薄膜反射镜原理样机,开展了光学检测实验工作.利用高斯光学原理对薄膜反射镜的基本光学参数进行了检测,获得了随电压变化的薄膜反射镜曲率丰径和最大变形值曲线,趋势与理论计算结果一致.对薄膜反射镜的面形特性和面形检测方法进行了分析,采用激光干涉仪测试了无电压时中心区域的平面面形,RMS值为1.03λ(λ=632.8nm).为检验薄膜反射镜的曲面面形,搭建了Hartmann光栏法测试光路并结合Zernike 多项式拟合处理方法,对使用非均布电压优化前后的曲面的低频面形进行了测试,面形误差RMS值从24.1μm减小为14.7μm,证明相对于单电极方案,多电极非均压时静电拉伸薄膜反射镜的面形有明显的优化作用.本文使用的检测方法和结论可为相关领域的研究提供参考.%A membrane mirror prototype of φ300 mm diameter was developed and optically tested. Basic optical parameters of membrane mirror were tested by Gaussian optics. The results show that relations between basic parameters of membrane mirror and the applied voltages are consistent with shaping theory. The surface shape characteristics and optical testing methods of membrane mirror are discussed. Laser interferometer was used to test the plat surface when voltages were zero, and the RMS (root mean square) value of surface error was 1. 03A (A = 632. 8 nm). Hartmann testing was used to test membrane mirror surface with radius, and the result shows that RMS value of surface error changes from 24. 1 μm to 14. 7 μm when different multi-electrode voltages are used for optimization. This validates that multiple electrodes with different voltages optimize the surface accuracy of membrane mirror.



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