首页> 中文期刊> 《安阳工学院学报》 >滇国和商周青铜礼器的对比研究




Ancient Dian kingdom and Dian culture are increasingly respected by the international culture field. After the founding of China,the Puning Shizhaishan in Yu'nan province and Jiangchuan Lijiashan as the represen⁃tatives of grave in Dian culture was discovered and the bronze with unique culture two thousand years ago were excavated.These bronzes can match with those of Shang and Zhou dynasty.The two kinds of bronzes have much common in cast and application,but big difference in bronze forming and spirit symbolic significance. The ritual vessels of Dian kingdom are copper drum and Chubeiqi,and that of Shang and Zhou dynasty is tripod with two handles. Diversity in choosing bronze ritual also affects the distribution of rights system between Dian kingdom and Shang and Zhou dynasty and production method and national character and style also show some difference. The paper briefly analyses the culture difference for those kingdom with bronze ritual.%古滇王国和滇文化日益受到国际文化界的推赞。建国后以云南普宁石寨山、江川李家山为代表的滇文化墓地逐一被发现,并考古发掘出两千多年前具有独特文化色彩的青铜器。这些青铜器都可与中原商周青铜文化相媲美。同属青铜文化,滇国和商周王朝在青铜器的铸造和使用上,有许多共通之处。然而在青铜器型制和精神象征意义上,却出现较大差别。滇国礼器在于铜鼓和储贝器,而商周朝在于鼎。青铜礼器选取上的相异性,也反映出滇与商周王朝权利体系分配的不同,在生产方式与民族风情上也呈现出某种程度的区别。本文试图就此问题,对同持青铜礼器的不同王国文化差异做出浅析与梳理。



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