首页> 中文期刊>安徽警官职业学院学报 >城市管理综合行政执法体制、机制创新的法理学思考——以安徽省城市管理行政执法为例




The establishment of comprehensive city administration of justice, to some degree, solves the problems of crossed law enforcement and inefficiency but cannot avoid the problems of narrow scope, duties and responsi bilities disorder and penalties credibility decline. In order to solve these problems, system and mechanism inno vations, such as extending the scope of administrative scope, shifting down comprehensive city administration of justice, and mass discussion on significant administrative penalties have been carried out. These innovations worked in practice but at the same time face some queries on legality and rationality. In order to perfect innova tion and promote a more lawful and rational system and mechanism innovation, we should have a precise under standing on the relationship between innovation and the establishment of a lawful government, break the disorder of system and mechanism innovations of comprehensive city administration of justice and set up a procedural mechanism composed by experts and the public through perfecting legislation.%城市管理综合行政执法自建立以来,一定程度上缓解了多头执法、执法交叉、效率低下问题,但也存在的范围过窄、事权错位、处罚公信力下降等现象。为了解决这些矛盾,各地纷纷进行了诸如相对集中行政处罚权范围进一步扩大,城管综合行政执法权进一步下移,重大行政处罚群众公议等一系列体制、机制创新。这些创新在现实中取得了一定的成效,但同时也面临着合法性和合理性的质疑。为了完善创新,务必正确理解创新与法治政府建设的关系,通过完善立法,破解城管行政执法体制、机制创新的无序状态,建立专家参与与公民主体相结合的程序机制,促进体制、机制创新更加合法、合理。



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