首页> 中文期刊>安徽警官职业学院学报 >总体国家安全观下美国战略情报思想对我国反恐战略的启示




美国战略情报思想源于20世纪40年代,其中影响最大的是谢尔曼·肯特出版的专著《服务于美国世界政策的战略情报》。如今战略早已超出了传统军事战略的层面,战略定义的扩大使情报的定义摆脱了狭隘的军事情报观念。针对我国目前的反恐工作形势,该文从影响我国反恐战略制定的因素、总体国家安全观下对反恐战略提出的新要求等方面,论述了美国战略情报思想对我国反恐战略的启示,以期能为我国目前的反恐工作带来一些裨益。%The strategic intelligence in the U.S. originates in 1940s. Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy by Sherman Kent yields the most influential effect. Today the strategy has already exceeded the level of the traditional military strategy to expand the definition of strategic intelligence to make out of the narrow definition of the concept of military intelligence. In view of the current situation in the fight against terrorism, from the factors that influence the development of our counter-terrorism strategy and the new requirements for counter-terrorism strategy under the overall concept of the national security, this paper summarizes the enlightenment to China’s anti-terrorism strategy from the U.S. Strategic Intelligence.



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