首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >云南德宏州官纯寨傣族民居形制与营造模式探析




Evolution pattern of folk dwellings of the Dai Nationality in Guanchun Village, Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province is discussed in this study, and Field Study of the anthropology is applied to study the family structure and use of residential spaces in this village. The study shows that structure of traditional residence is changing, traditional buildings cannot meet the demands of modern life due to the changing lifestyle ; it is a trend that traditional building materials like brick and wood are to be substituted by new materials. It implies that useful elements of traditional living style and construction pattern should be refined in the update of folk dwellings in the village of minorities, and combined with modern building materials and techniques to satisfy the demands of modem life.%探讨了云南德宏州官纯寨傣族村民居更新发展的模式.运用人类学田野调查的研究方法,分析村寨家庭构成模式及住宅空间使用规律.研究发现:官纯傣族的传统住宅形制正在发生改变,生活方式的变化导致传统建筑难以适应现代生活需求:各种新型材料替代传统砖木材料成为大势所趋.这说明在少数民族村寨民居现代化更新过程中,应提炼传统居住方式、传统住宅营造模式中的有益成分,将其与现代建筑材料、技术相结合,从而满足居民现代化生活的需求.



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