首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >全球气候变化下陕北黄土地貌的环境演变




[Objective] The aim was to study the environment evolution of Shanbei Loess landscape under the background of global climate changes. [ Method] The annual and monthly temperature and precipitation in Yulin area in north Shanxi from 1952 to 2009 were selected, and by dint of linear regression and M - K mutation, the Loess land form evolution under the global climate change was studied. [ Result] The temperature in Yulin area showed increasing tendency from 1952 to 2009 at a speed of 0,287 ℃/10a. The year 1994 was a year of mutation of temperature; precipitation decreased at speed of 8. 262 mm/10a and the precipitation fluctuated largely in 1960s, and stably in 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. It showed drying tendency. The climate in north Shanxi was becoming warmer. The extreme dry and flood incident, especially the rising drought occurrence frequency had more serious endangerment to the fragile ecological environment. The "warmer drought" of climate worsened the environment in north Shanxi, with temperature rising and worsening drought; reduction of precipitation made the wind and sand more active; the frequency of sandstorm increased; desertification of land furthered; the water and soil losses in Loess was serious and might led to degradation of land in north Shanxi. [Conclusion] The study provided theoretical basis for the ecological and environmental construction in the region.%[目的]研究全球气候变化下陕北黄土地貌的环境演变.[方法]选取陕北榆林区1952~2009年的年、月气温和降水量等气象资料,运用线性回归、M-K检验法对全球气候变化下陕北黄土地貌的环境演变进行研究.[结果]1952 ~2009年榆林区气温呈上升趋势,平均以0.287 ℃/10a的速度上升,1994年为气温的突变年份;降水量呈下降趋势,平均以8.262mm/10a的速率减少,且降水量在20世纪60年代波动性很大,70、80和90年代波动较平稳,21世纪以来有明显变干趋势.陕北气候正在变暖干,极端旱涝事件尤其是干旱发生的频率越来越高,对脆弱生态环境的危害更加严重,气候的“暖干化”使陕北的环境务件更加恶劣,温度升高,干旱程度加重;降水量的减少使风沙活动更加剧烈,沙尘暴的频率增加,土地进一步沙化,黄土沟壑区水土流失严重,可能使陵北土地退化.[结论]该研究为该区的生态环境建设提供理论依据.



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