首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >四川雅泸高速公路人文景观构建分析——兼谈公路人文景观塑造手法




The concept of cultural landscapes was introduced, and it was proposed that the construction of highway cultural landscapes should follow the principles of “protection first, secure, integrated, suitable for actual conditions, economic, natural and ecological”. In this study,relevant theories were taken to analyze the design of cultural landscapes along the Yaan-Luguhu Expressway in Sichuan Province. Natural conditions, profound cultures and historical resources in the study area were analyzed, and the construction of its cultural landscapes was further discussed from the perspectives of properly dividing landscape spaces, determining the orientation of cultural landscapes, refining regional cultures, choosing carriers of cultural landscapes, improving cultural value of important landscape nodes by using artistic settings, applying more local materials and so on. So that helpful references could be provided for the landscape design of other expressways, and the integration of cultural landscapes and highway landscape system could be realized.%介绍了人文景观的概念,指出公路人文景观构建应把握好保护优先、安全性、整体性、因地制宜、经济合理以及自然生态原则,在相关理论的基础上,结合四川雅泸高速公路探讨公路人文景观塑造手法.分析了雅泸高速公路沿线的自然条件以及丰富的人文历史,从合理划分景观空间、恰当定位人文景观、提炼与升华地域文化、确定人文景观的表现载体,以及利用艺术小品提升重要节点的文化价值、重视地方材料的运用等方面,具体探讨了四川雅泸高速公路人文景观的塑造,以期通过对该案例的介绍,为其他公路景观的设计提供有益借鉴,最终实现人文历史景观与公路景观体系的良好融合.



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