首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >5种华南沿海湿地植物对人工含盐污水的生理响应




[目的]研究秋茄等5种华南沿海常见湿地植物对人工含盐污水的生理响应,以期初步筛选可应用于华南沿海湿地修复的植物种类.[方法]在玻璃网室中盆栽拉关木等5种湿地植物幼苗,分别用1倍(NW)、5倍(FW)和10倍(TW)浓度的人工含盐污水进行定期浇灌.通过对受试植物叶片的叶绿素含量、SOD活性、MDA含量和游离脯氨酸含量的测定,比较研究不同植物对水体污染物的生理适应能力.[结果]①秋茄和拉关木对水体污染物的耐受能力最强,在10倍浓度(盐度20‰)的污水中能正常生长;②芦苇和短叶茳芏的耐盐抗污染能力最低,仅能在1倍浓度污水(盐度10‰)中正常生长;③桐花树表现居中,适宜在1倍和5倍浓度污水中生长(盐度为10‰~20‰);④利用模糊数学隶属函数值法对5种植物的抗性进行综合评定,其抗性大小依次为秋茄>拉关木>桐花树>芦苇>短叶茳芏.[结论]秋茄和拉关木可作为华南沿海湿地修复的备选植物材料.%[Objective] The aim of this study was to determine the effects of artificial saline wastewater on the physiological responses of five South China coastal wetland plants and to analyze the differences in their tolerances under wastewater stress, [ Method] The seedlings of five wetland plants were planted in pots, and then watered respectively by the artificial saline wastewater with different concentrations, namely NW (one time) , FW (five times) and TW (ten times) every 15 days. And then the chlorophyll content, SOD, POD, MDA and free proline content in test plants were determined, and the physiological response of these plants to water body pollutants was compared. [Result] Kandelia candel and Laguncularia racemosa had the strongest tolerance to water pollutants, which could maintain normal growth in the ten times concentration wastewater (with a salinity of 20‰). Phragmites communis and Cyperus malaccensis var. brevifolius showed the weakest tolerance to water pollutants, which could only maintain normal growth in the one time concentration wastewater ( with a salinity of 10‰). Aegkeras cornic-ulatum was the medium one in tolerance, which was suitable to be grown in the 1 times and 5 times concentration wastewater (with salinity range of 10‰-20‰). The ability of pollution resistance from high to low was K. candel > L. racemosa > A. corniculatum > P. communis > C. malaccensis. [Conclusion] K. candel and L. racemosa could be used as the alternative plant materials for South China coastal wetland restoration.



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