首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >皖南山区冷浸田水稻垄作覆膜栽培技术研究




[ Objective]The aim was to study the cultivation technique for high yield of rice in South Anhui mountain area. [ Method] Field test was carried out to study the effects of ridge and mulching cultivation on the growth of paddy. [ Result] Ridge and mulching cultivation could improve the soil temperature in cold waterlogged fields,promote the growth of the paddy in the early stage,and increase the leaf area index and dry matter accumulation. The yield of the paddy could be increased 129.8 -652.5 kg/hm2 ,and the increase rate reached 2.25% -11. 32% . [ Conclusion] The effect of increasing production of the combination of ridge and mulching cultivation was better than that of single ridge cultivation.%[目的]探讨皖南山区冷浸田水稻高产栽培技术.[方法]采用田间试验的方法,研究了垄作和覆膜栽培对水稻生长的影响.[结果]垄作和覆膜栽培能够提高冷浸田土壤温度,促进水稻早期的生长发育,提高叶面积指数和干物质积累量,水稻增产129.8 ~ 652.5kg/hm2,增产率达2.25% ~11.32%.[结论]垄作和覆膜栽培两者结合的增产效果优于单一垄作处理,其中以窄垄+覆膜栽培增产效果最为显著.



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