首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学 》 >石家庄市公园绿地中乡土树种的应用研究




Based on the survey about indigenous trees in Shijiazhuang urban park,the paper analyzed the species, quantity, configuration pattern and application frequency of those indigenous trees. It was found out that there were 75 species of indigenous trees, accounting for about 44.1% of the total tree species in the green land of Shijiazhuang urban park, which indicated that the species of applied indigenous trees was small and the distribution of common tree species was over concentrated. It was suggested to actively develop and utilize indigenous trees, improve their application frequency, diversify their configuration patterns, pay attention to their ecological benefits and creat the indigenous landscape with regional characteristics.%通过对石家庄市公园绿地中乡土树种的实地调查,分析了乡土树种的种类、数量、配置形式和应用频率.调查显示,石家庄市公园绿地中乡土树种有75种,占所调查公园绿化树种总数的44.1%,可见石家庄市乡土树种应用种类偏少,常用树种过于集中.建议大力开发利用乡土树种,增强乡土树种的应用频率,丰富配置方式,注重乡土树种的生态效益,营造具有区域特色的乡土景观.



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