首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >云南省安宁市八街街道小五岳村新区景观规划设计探析




以云南省安宁市八街街道小五岳村建设新区景观规划设计为例,分析了小五岳村的地理区位、气候特征、村庄景观现状,确定了以自然的田园风光为基础,突出村庄特色,打造自然和谐的社会主义新农村形象的景观规划设计理念.在此基础上,将建设新区景观规划结构确定为“两带、两片”式结构,进而针对道路景观带、滨水景观带、建筑景观、园林小品景观、植物景观,具体分析了主要景观带、景观节点设计内容.强调小五岳村景观规划建设应充分利用借景、对景等造景手作打造新农村景观;充分考虑村民的交流欲望,为村民提供交流场所;充分提炼村居形态语言特征,延续地域文脉,营造具有地域风貌特色的民居景观;充分利用当地乡土植物,营造乡村景观.%By taking landscape planning and design of new zone of Xiaowuyue Village in Bajie District of Arming City of Yunnan Province for example, the paper has analyzed the geographical location, climate characters, and landscape situation of Xiaowuyue Village, and identified to construct a natural and harmonious socialist new countryside that is based on natural pastoral scenery and highlights, village characters. Then, landscape planning of the new zone has been summarized as the structure of " two belts and two patches". In view of road landscape belt, waterfront landscape belt, architectural landscape, sketches and plants, the design contents of major landscape belts and nodes have been analyzed in detail. It has emphasized that, in landscape planning and construction of Xiaowuyue Village, it should make full use of landscaping techniques like borrowed scenery and opposite scenery; take villagers' communication desire into account, providing them with communication places; construct residential landscape of regional feature; and use native plants to construct rural landscape.



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