首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >夏玉米品系(种)的产量比较及主要农艺性状的关联度分析




[ Objective] The yield of summer maize and correlation degree of agronomic traits in Huaibei region were studied. [ Method] Based on the grey relational analysis method,the relationship between the yield of 14 summer maize lines( varieties) and 10 main agronomic traits and the correlation between the traits were studied. [Result] The yield of 76. 9% lines was significantly higher than that of control Zhengdan 958. The correlation degree order of main agronomic traits and yield was as follows:bare top length,plant height,ear row number,ear length,row grains,ear height,100-seed weight,lodging and stem broken rates,seed-producing percentage,ear diameter. [ Conclusion] In the breeding prac-tice, we should choose the long lines of the bald tip shorter,plant height higher,ear rows more.%[目的]研究淮北地区夏玉米品系(种)的产量与主要农艺性状关联度.[方法]运用灰色关联度分析方法,研究14个夏玉米品系(种)的产量与10个主要农艺性状间关联的主次关系及各性状间的相互关联程度.[结果]有76.9%品系的产量显著高于对照郑单958;主要农艺性状与产量关联度大小依次为秃尖长、株高、穗行数、穗长、行粒数、穗位高、百粒重、倒伏倒折率、出籽率、穗粗.[结论]在育种实践中应尽可能选择秃尖短、株高中等偏上、穗行数较多和穗长较长的品系.



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