首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >生态园林城市建设的现状分析及对策建议——以合肥市包河区为例




以包河区生态园林城市建设为例,分析了包河区生态园林化城市建设成效.将包河生态园林城市建设的亮点总结为构筑绿色生态屏障,大幅提升绿化品质,保护利用乡土树种资源,推进自然生态修复,切实巩固造林成果.认为包河生态园林城市建设存在的问题主要是绿化品位不高、森林资源持续增长空间不足、城市规划不一.针对存在问题,建议丰富绿化树种、加快"多规合一"进程、实行异地绿化恢复、拓展老城区绿化空间.%Taking the construction of ecological garden city of Baohe District as an example,the construction effectiveness of ecological garden city in Baohe District was analyzed. The highlights of ecological garden city construction in Baohe District was summed up as building a green eco-logical barrier,greatly enhancing the quality of the green,protection and utilization of native tree species resources,promoting ecological restora-tion,consolidating the results of afforestation. The problems in the construction of ecological garden city wre mainly thought to be the grade of af-forestation is not high,the growth of forest resources is not enough,the space is insufficient,and the urban planning is different. In view of the ex-isting problems,it was suggested to enrich the greening tree species,speed up the"multi regulation and one" process,and actively explore the af-forestation in different places so as to restore and expand the green space in the old city.



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