首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >高等农业院校开放共享理念下实验室安全管理探析




针对青海大学农牧学院学科建设的特点,总结了目前实验室安全管理中存在的实验用房面积严重不足,实验室安全准入制度浮于表面,实验室管理人员工作待遇低、环境差、人员流失严重等问题.分析了实验室安全管理问题产生的原因,主要为资金投入不足,人员数量和质量不能满足要求,消防器材单一,学生缺乏安全意识,工作安全风险高,实验耗材无序等方面.结合自身多年的实验室安全管理实践,提出了农业院校开放共享理念下的实验室安全管理工作和创新人才培养的可行性意见和建议.%According to the characteristics of discipline construction of college of agriculture and animal husbandry in Qinghai University,At present, the problems existing in laboratory safety management were summarized as the experimental room area is seriously insufficient, the safety access system for laboratories is surface, and the laboratory managers have low pay, poor environment and heavy staff turnover. The causes of la-boratory safety management problems were analyzed as insufficient capital input, the quantity and quality of personnel can not meet the require-ments, fire equipment is single, the lack safety awareness of students, high risk of job safety, and experimental consumables is disorder. Com-bined with years of laboratory safety management practice, some feasible suggestions on laboratory safety management work and creative talents embryo under the concept of open sharing in Agricultural Universities were put forward.



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