首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >中度盐碱地小麦功能肥的产量效应研究




[Objective]To improve the saline-alkali soil and increase the yield of wheat in the Bohai low plain area.[Method] Effects of humic acid-containing wheat special fertilizer on the growth of wheat were studied by field experiment.[ Result] The results showed that the yield and bi-omass of wheat all decreased with the increase of functional fertilizer application, and reached the highest [3480,7651 kg/hm2 at G2 (300 kg/hm2)],which was 63.2%-143.9% and 28.4%-96.9% higher than that of other treatments,and the difference was significant.The harvest index of wheat was the highest in G2 treatment,reaching 45.5%,which was 3.0%-61.1%higher than other treatments.Different fertili-zation treatments could significantly affect plant height and tillering number of wheat,non-fertilization G0 ,conventional fertilization G1 and func-tional fertilizer G4 treatments were all detrimental to the wheat growth.The plant height and tiller number of functional fertilizer G2 were signifi-cantly higher than those of G0 ,G1 and G4 ,respectively by 7.7%-26.7% and 13.0%-44.4%, followed by G3 treatment.The flag leaf area, chlorophyll SPAD value and net photosynthetic rate of the wheat increased first and then decreased with the increase of functional fertilizer.The flag leaf area,chlorophyll SPAD value and net photosynthetic rate of G2 treatment were the highest,which were 3.9%-22.2%,4.4%-21.6%, 9.4%-40.7 %,the difference between G2 and G0 ,G1 and G4 treatments were significant followed by G3 treatment.[ Conclusion] Appropriate function of humic acid fertilizer G2 treatment not only could promote the growth of wheat nutrition,but also significantly affected the flag leaf pho-tosynthetic rate,and increased dry matter accumulation and thus increased the wheat yield.%[目的]改良环渤海低平原区盐碱地和提高小麦产量.[方法]通过大田小区试验,研究在中度盐碱地上施用不同用量含腐殖酸小麦专用功能肥对小麦生长的影响.[结果]小麦产量和生物量均随功能肥施用量增加呈下降趋势,在小麦功能肥G2(300 kg/hm2)时最高,达3480和7651 kg/hm2,较其他处理高63.2%~143.9%和28.4%~96.9%,且差异显著,小麦的收获指数也在G2处理时最高,达45.5%,较其他处理高3.0%~61.1%.不同施肥处理可以显著影响小麦的株高和分蘖,不施肥G0、常规施肥G1和功能肥G4处理均不利于小麦生长,功能肥G2处理株高、分蘖显著高于G0、G1和G4,分别高7.7%~26.7%和13.0%~44.4%,其次是G3处理.旗叶叶面积、叶绿素SPAD值和净光合速率均随功能肥用量的增加呈先增后减,G2处理最高,分别较其他处理高3.9%~22.2%、4.4%~21.6%、9.4%~40.7%,G2与G0、G1和G4处理间差异显著,其次是G3处理.[结论]适量功能肥G2处理不仅可以促进小麦营养生长,而且显著影响旗叶光合速率,增加干物质积累进而提高产量.



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