首页> 外文期刊>针灸推拿医学(英文版) >Clinical Observation on Treatment of Infantile Diarrhea by Tuina ann Medications

Clinical Observation on Treatment of Infantile Diarrhea by Tuina ann Medications


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Objective: To observe the clinical effect of tuina plus medications on infantile diarrhea induced by rotavirus infection. Methods: After 55 cases of confirmed sick infants were divided into two groups by the order of their visits, 30 cases in the medication group were treated by intravenous infusion of Ribavirin and oral administration of Smecta; 25 cases in the tuina plus medication group were treated by the manual techniques of tonifying Pijing(脾经) and clarifying Dachangjing (大肠经), rubbing the abdomen and kneading the navel clockwise, pushing Shangqijiegu (上七节骨), kneading Guiwei (龟尾), and pinching the skin of the spine, in combination with same medications used as in the medication group. Results: The total effective rate was 96% in the tuina plus medication group, P < 0.01, in comparison with the medication group. Conclusion: tuina has a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of infantile diarrhea induced by rotavirus infection and is importantly significant for shortening the course, enhancing the therapeutic effect and lowering down the medical cost.%目的:观察推拿结合药物治疗婴幼儿轮状病毒感染性腹泻的临床疗效.方法:将确认的55例患儿按就诊先后随机分为2组.药物组30例,采用静脉滴注利巴韦林、口服思密达治疗;推拿加药物组25例,进行补脾经、清大肠、顺时针摩腹揉脐、推上七节骨、揉龟尾、捏脊等推拿手法治疗.并配合与药物组相同的药物治疗.结果:推拿加药物组总有效率96%,与药物组相比,P<0.01.结论:推拿对治疗轮状病毒感染的婴幼儿腹泻具有良好的治疗效果,对于缩短病程、提高疗效、降低医疗费具有重要意义.
机译:目的:观察Tuina Plus药物对RotaVirus感染诱导的婴儿腹泻的临床疗效。方法:通过静脉注射利巴韦林和渣滓,治疗药物组55例确诊病婴儿分为两组两组。 25例在Tuina plus药物组合组接受了手动技术的调整斑晶(脾经)和澄清大攀钟(大肠经),揉腹部顺时针揉捏肚脐,推动上千圭(上七节),揉捏桂威(龟尾),并捏脊柱的皮肤,组合与用作药物组中使用的相同药物。结果:与药物组相比,Tuina Plus药物组的总有效率为96%,P <0.01。结论:Tuina对RotaVirus感染诱导的婴儿腹泻治疗具有良好的治疗效果,并且对于缩短课程的重要意义,提高治疗效果,降低医疗费用。%令的:观察推拿综合性物质治疗治疗儿轮状方法:将确认的55例患儿按就诊先后随随组30例,用来静脉滴静脉滴利果林,口服达治疗;加加血; 25例,进行,清大肠,顺时针摩腹揉脐,推上七骨,揉龟尾,捏脊捏脊推拿推拿法治疗。并含合物药相同。组总有效率96%,与与物组,p <0.01。结论:推拿对治疗轮状病毒的婴幼婴幼腹泻腹泻病毒感染好的治疗效果,对于对于病程,提高,降低降低具。




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