首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林水利》 >前郭灌区节水改造工程削减农田面源污染物COD效果分析




COD in paddy carried by water recharge is an important non-point source pollutant to rivers and lakes.after the experienced monitoring COD in a typical paddy field,underground water,drainage canal in Qianguo irrigation district,and carried out analysis of the water-saving effect on a large scale renovation project for the last two years,the conclusion is that COD contained in paddy is mainly migrated by surface runoff and vertical leakage,in which the former accounted for a large proportion;The water-saving renovation have reduced the amount of the recharge of surface water and COD,which amount reduced basically consistent with the measured data in the drainage canal.It indicates that the water-saving irrigation project is also an effective and reliable measure to reduce COD of agricultural non-point source pollution.%水田退水携带的COD是河湖水体的重要面源污染物之一。经过对前郭灌区典型水田、地下潜水、排水干渠水体中COD的监测,并对近两年大规模开展的节水改造工程效果进行了分析,认为水田COD主要是通过地表径流和垂直渗漏两个方式迁移,其中退水导致的地表迁移占较大比例;节水改造工程减少了地表退水量,削减COD的效果较显著,削减率与在排水干渠实测的数据基本吻合,表明节水灌溉工程也是削减农田面源污染物COD的有效方式和可靠手段。



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