首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林水利》 >浑江通化段河道内生态需水研究




The contradiction between human being and nature has become increased with the rapid social and economic development,which make the study of ecosystem and water resource more and more important.We took the Tonghua Segment of Hunjiang river as an example,using second minium (maximum) value method, frequency ranging method and four kinds of optimal ecological runoff calculation method ,so as to compute the minium and monthly ecological flow based on the daily observed runoff data from 2008-2012.Meanwhile ,the Tennant method is applied to evaluate the calculation results.The results indicates that the frequency ranking method is more appropriate for study of maximum ecological water demand;second minium (maximum) value method fits the minimum ecological water demand best;optimal monthly ecological water demand with adjusted assurance for different season has good evaluation effect.%随着社会经济的发展,人与自然的冲突加剧,生态环境问题日益突出,水与生态系统研究成为普遍关注的热点。以浑江通化段为例,基于通化站2008~2012年5a实测逐日流量资料,运用次最小(大)值、频率排位法和四种适宜生态径流计算方法分别计算研究区河道逐月最小(大)生态需水量和适宜生态需水量,并采用Tennant法对计算结果进行评价和对比。结果表明,次最小值法适合研究区最小生态需水计算,频率配位法适合研究区最大生态需水量的计算,改进后的适宜生态径流计算结果更适合适宜生态需水计算。



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