首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林水利》 >浅析小型水利工程建设项目的监理风险




This paper outlined the origin and status of supervision of water conservancy projects and discusses the construction supervision of the implementation phase of recognition dimensional analysis on a variety of risks in the target dimension,factors from the owner of small water conservancy construction project manage-ment perspective;It provides timely technical Owner (construction quality,construction safety,the external en-vironment) and non-technical (natural and social environment,construction contracts,personnel) of various potential sources,and an objective basis for scientific decision-site active control project.Supervisor analysis i-dentifies the responsibilities and supervision of the management of permissions from the perspective of the owner of the content entrusted to enhance their business literacy and industry self-regulation which is the sci-entific supervisor, independent,fair and complete the premise of the owner commissioned a good project man-agement objectives and protection.%简述水利工程监理的由来及现状,从小型水利工程建设业主方项目管理的角度论述监理人识别分析建设实施阶段在目标维,因素维上各种风险,及时向业主方提供技术上(施工质量、施工安全、外部环境)和非技术上(自然和社会环境、施工合同、人员)的各种潜在风险源,为业主方对工程项目的主动控制提供现场科学决策客观依据。从监理管理范围的角度识别分析了监理人的职责和权限是业主方的委托内容,加强自身的业务素养和行业自律是监理人科学、独立、公平地完成好业主方委托的项目管理目标的前提和保障。



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