首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林水利》 >英国混凝土天然骨料质量标准BS 882、与国内天然建材规范对比

英国混凝土天然骨料质量标准BS 882、与国内天然建材规范对比



With the rapid development of China’s economy, foreign investment in water conservancy and hy-dropower project construction projects is gradually increasing;natural building materials as an important part of the hydropower project,the vast majority of natural aggregate concrete location of the project requires investi-gation,trial,and therefore inevitable to meet with international standards and China differences existing be-tween the relevant regulations.This article describes the BS 882 natural aggregate for concrete quality indica-tors,and comparison with the existing norms of DL/T 5388-2007.It provides the basis for the test of natural building materials overseas projects.%伴随我国经济的快速发展,海外水利水电工程投资建设项目的逐渐增多,天然建筑材料作为水电工程重要的一部分,绝大多数混凝土天然骨料需要在工程所在地勘察、试验,因而不可避免的要面对国际标准和我们现有相关规程之间的差异。本文介绍了BS 882对于混凝土用天然骨料质量要求指标,并与我国现行规范DL/T 5388-2007进行对比,为海外工程中天然建筑材料的试验提供依据。



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