首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >朱南孙教授辨治产后恶露不绝




Professor ZHU Nansun believes that the causes of the postpartum lochiorrhea are deficiency, blood stasis, blood heat. Under the guidance of the principle of "syndrome differentiation" and "finding the root cause", ZHU Nansun puts forward three kinds of treatment methods: First, the removal the extravasated blood in uterine and reinforcing deficiency should be combined and dynamic and static should be combined, among them, the removal of extravasated blood is the first step. Second, balancing heat-clearing and tonify deficiency and using the therapy of soothing liver is the two important method. Last, promoting uterine involution and focusing on adjusting constitution according to the situation of zang, fu, qi and blood. In the prescription, the number of drugs are few but very accurate, which can make the drug directly to location of disease, and extra meridiansare are often used. At the same time, professor ZHU advocates that the homology of medicine and food, combination of recuperation and treatment. And she attaches great importance to the influence of diet and emotion to the development of diseases.%朱南孙教授认为,产后恶露不绝多以虚、瘀、热为其主因,治疗上以"审因辨证,治病求本"为原则.提出中医治疗产后恶露不绝须通补结合,动静并用,祛瘀为先;同时权衡清补,兼以疏肝;注重复旧善后,且视脏腑气血之盛衰以调节体质.临证遣方用药精巧效专,重奇经而善用之;同时主张"药食同源",调治结合,重视饮食、情志对于疾病的影响.



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