首页> 中文期刊> 《江西科学》 >活性磷灰石DF-1在农村饮水除氟中的应用




针对目前我国农村人口中存在饮用水含氟量超标的情况,对比分析了目前使用的5种除氟方法和四除氟滤料的原理及优缺点。分析结果表明吸附法较其它方法更为理想,而吸附滤料中的活性磷灰石DF-1各项性能均优于其它几种滤料。根据比较结果,结合我国目前农村的特殊情况,试验采用活性磷灰石DF-1除氟滤料处理安徽省亳州市氟化物超标的农村饮水。试验发现,该地区的高氟水在经活性磷灰石DF-1除氟滤料处理后,氟化物含量均降到了0.3mg/L以下,平均除氟效率约为90%,经处理的饮用水完全符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)的要求。因此,建议采用活性磷灰石DF-1除氟滤料进行农村饮水除氟。%At present, there exists excessive fluoride in drinking water in rural areas of China. This paper analyzes comparatively the principles of five kinds of treatments and four kinds of filter materials appliced to remove fluoride, and summarizes their advantages and disadvantages. The annalistic results show that adsorption is the best compared with other methods, and the functions of active apatite DF-1 are also better demonstrated than other fluoride removal filter materials. According to the results and the special situation of Chinese rural areas, this paper used active apatite DF-1 as fluoride removal filter material to deal with high fluorine water in rural areas in Bozhou, Anhui province. This experiment shows that the quantity of fluoride in the water of these areas decreases to less than 0.3 mg/L with an average fluoride removal rate of 90% about after using the active apatite DF-1 ,in accordance with the demand of "Water Quality Standard for Drinking Water Sources" ( GB5749-2006 ) completely. Therefore, we suggest using active apatite DF-1 as fluoride removal filter material to deal with high fluorine water in rural areas of China.



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