首页> 中文期刊> 《江西水利科技》 >基于土地利用分析的山洪灾害危险等级划分研究




本文基于DEM数据在传统山洪灾害风险等级划分研究的基础上,将土地利用作为一个风险评估的新因子,充分考虑了土地利用的植被类型、植被覆盖度、人类活动等因素.利用GIS空间分析方法和AHP权重分析方法得出山洪灾害风险等级划分,使得山洪灾害风险等级划分结果更加合理、可靠.本文结论显示,江西省山洪灾害高风险区主要集中在江西西北部的五指山山区、西部的罗霄山和九岭山区以及江西东部武夷山区.据此结果可对山洪灾害危险区进行规划,从而减轻山洪灾害的影响,同时也为当地居民提供了山洪灾害的风险信息.%Based on the DEM data and the traditional risk grade partition research of mountain torrent disaster,the land utilization was regarded as a new risk evaluation factor.The factors of land utilization such as vegetation kind,vegetation cover degree and hu-man activity were taken full consideration.By the GIS spatial analysis and AHP methods,the risk zoning of mountain torrent disas-ter was made in order to make the results more reasonable and reliable.The results show that the high risk zone of mountain torrent disaster in Jiangxi Province mainly concentrated on Wuzhi Mountain in the north-western area, Luoxiao Mountain and Jiuling Mountain in the western area and Wuyi Mountain in the eastern area of Jiangxi province.On the basis of this results,the plans of danger area of mountain torrent disasters was made in order to mitigate the impact of mountain torrent disasters and provide the information about the risk of mountain torrent disaster for local residents.



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