首页> 中文期刊> 《江苏电机工程》 >中低压保护控制异构双重化方案研究




110 kV以下电压等级电网出线间隔一般按远后备方式配置保护 (单套配置), 当主保护拒动时远后备保护无选择性切除故障, 一定程度上降低了供电可靠性, 出线间隔保护测控一体化装置存在异常后保护和远方控制功能同时失去的风险, 造成一次设备较长时间无保护运行.研究了远后备配置方式下提升保护的选择性, 并基于现阶段智能变电站的技术, 提出一种通过增加智能化接口方式实现保护控制功能的异构双重化配置方案, 以较低的成本增加为代价实现中低压保护的冗余配置, 使远后备保护具有选择性.%For distribution networks below 110 kV with power supply task as main, it' s generally protected in remote backup mode, that is, the protection device is a single configuration. However, When the main protection is refused, the remote backup protection can't selectively eliminate the fault, which reduces the reliability of power supply to some extent. Therefore, it is necessary to study how to improve the protection selectivity in remote backup mode. In addition, when the integrated protection and control equipment is abnormal, protection and remote control function should be blocked, resulting in the primary equipment runs without protection for a long time. Based on technology accumulation of smart substation, this paper introduces an isomeric double configuration scheme of medium and low voltage protection by adding the intelligent interface to realize redundant configuration with lower cost. This scheme can solve the above problems and ensure the selectivity of remote backup protection.



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