首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >高血压基底节出血破入脑室的两种微创术式疗效分析



Objective To explore the clinical effects of two kinds for puncture and drainage hypertensive basal ganglia hemorrhage rupturing into the ventricles,which were the small bone window craniotomy with ventricle puncture and then drainage,and the method of YL-I-type needle aspiration with intraventricularhematoma puncture and then broken-Methods 86 cases of patients with hypertensive hasal ganglia hemorrhage rupturing into the ventriclesof the brain were divided into two groups according to GCS score,The clinical data of two groups of patients were retrospectively analyzed using two kinds of different surgical methocls.Resuhs Among the 40 cases of patients with CCS 8-12 points,some one in the group using YL-I type hematoma puncture and broken suction surgery, prognnsis were better than the one in the group using the surgery of a small bone window craniotoniy,the difference was significant (P<0.05).Among the 46 cases with GCS5-7 points,except the time of operation and bleeding in the operation, there was no significant difference on the curative effect of the operation,pmgrreisbut.Concliusions CCS score should be used as an important indicator as the choice for the treatment of the patients Hypertensive basal ganglia bemonhagenipturing into the ventricles. When the GCS was ≥ 8,it had a good effect to use the YL-I-type needle puncture hematoma broken suction + ventricle puncture drainage.%目的 探讨小骨窗开颅+脑室穿刺引流、YL-I型针血肿穿刺碎吸+脑室穿刺引流两种术式治疗高血压基底节出血破入脑室的临床效果.方法 86例破入脑室的高血压基底节出血病人按GCS评分分两组,回顾分析两组病人采用2种不同术式的治疗效果.结果 GCS 8~12分的40例病人中,YL-1型血肿穿刺碎吸组在手术疗效、预后等方面优于小骨窗开颅组,差异有显著性(P<0.05).GCS5~7分46例病人除手术出血及手术时间外,在手术疗效、预后等方面均无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论 GCS评分可作为高血压基底节出血破入脑室病人手术方式选择的一项重要参考指标,且GCS≥8分,施行YL-1型针血肿穿刺碎吸+脑室穿刺引流术效果良好.



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