首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >外阴癌根治术患者的围手术期护理



Objective To explore the perioperative nursing care for patients during vulvar cancer operation,to prevent complications.Methods The treatment for vulvar cancer was mainly operation method,because the operation area was extensive,easily causing complications,so the preoperative preparation and postoperative care should be strengthened,which was very important to the successful treatment of the vulvar cancer.Results After reasonable effective nursing,3 cases with vulvar cancer were shorten the length of time by 20-30 days,an average of 25 days,and without any complication,the result was satisfactory,and recovered from the hospital.Conclusion The perioperative nursing care should be strengthened for vulvar cancer patients,to prevent the postoperative complications,and improve the success rate of operation and the quality of life of patients.%目的 探讨外阴癌根治术患者的围手术期护理,预防并发症.方法 外阴癌的治疗以手术为主,由于手术范围较广泛,易引起并发症,因此加强术前准备及术后护理,对外阴癌的治疗成功非常重要.结果 3例患者经过合理有效护理,缩短住院时间20~ 30天,平均25天,无并发症,效果满意,病情好转出院.结论 加强外阴癌根治术患者的围手术期护理,预防术后并发症,提高患者手术成功率及生存质量.



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