首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >广州地区农民2型糖尿病流行现状及影响因素调查



Objective To understand the prevalence and risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among farmer in Guangzhou area,and provide the basis for the development integrated intervention strategies of diabetes mellitus.Methods Stratified cluster sampling method was used to farmer in Panyu district Guangzhou City,survey methods including physical examinations,laboratory tests and a questionnaire.Results The actual valid research were 2 984,and the valid rate was 87.50%.Datas showed that the rates of T2DM were 13.14%.The multivariate analysis identified who had once suffered from cardiovascular disease,dyslipidemia,or peripheral vascular disease (OR=2.549,95% CI:1.358~4.783),family history of diabetes (OR=2.458,95% CI:1.108~5.452),BMI index ≥ 30kg/m2 (OR=2.221,95% CI:1.177~4.153),marital status as divorced/widowed (OR=2.126,95% CI:1.017~4.448).Conclusions At present,the T2DM prevalence of current farmers in Guangzhou area was high.Should be carried out who focus on preventing cerebrovascular disease,dyslipidemia,or peripheral vascular disease history,family history of diabetes,BMI index ≥ 30 kg/m2 or divorced/widowed,DM related risk behavior intervention to reduce the incidence of T2DM.%目的 了解广州地区农民2型糖尿病(T2DM)和糖尿病前期(PM)人群流行现状,探讨其相关影响因素,为制定糖尿病综合干预措施提供参考.方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法,调查广州市番禺区农民2984人,调查内容包括体格检查、实验室检测和问卷调查.结果 本研究T2DM患者检出率为13.14%.多因素Logistic回归分析显示,T2DM患病率的主要危险因素为:有既往心脑血管疾病、血脂异常或外周血管病变史(0R=2.549,95% CI:1.358 ~ 4.783),家族糖尿病史(OR=2.458,95% CI:1.108~5.452)、BMI≥30 kg/m2(0R=2.221,95% CI:1.177~4.153)、婚姻状态为离异/丧偶者(OR=2.126,95% CI:1.017~4.448).结论当前广州地区农民的T2DM患病率较高,在乡村应针对有心脑血管疾病、血脂异常或外周血管病变史,家族糖尿病史、BMI指数≥30 kg/m2或离异/丧偶者开展DM相关危险行为综合干预,以降低T2DM发病率.



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