首页> 中文期刊> 《中国昆虫科学:英文版》 >独角仙前翅中的小柱分布及其前翅表面的微细构造




从仿生学的角度,通过研究飞行动物翅膀的力学特性,在航天航空业界的构造设计上获得有益的启示.用?妹r扫描电子显微镜及透射光,考察了独角仙前翅的微细构造.结果在考察方法及昆虫形态学,特别是有关独角仙前翅小柱分布及其前翅表面的微细构造方面,亦得到了一些新的见解:1)将甲虫前翅置于透过光下,甲虫前翅上的小柱呈黑点状.用此方法,探明了独角仙前翅中的小柱,除了延气管两侧有点近似直线的排列之外,均为无规律分布.此种分布规律不同于以往所认识的其它种类甲虫所具有特征:小柱以直线分布,并且与小柱对应的前翅表面有凹穴作标记.2)在独角仙前翅内部,存在着网状(蜂窝状)的构造.此种构造通常在一蜂窝状构造上有1-2根小柱,每个蜂窝上小柱根数和蜂窝的大小有关,并且小柱主要分布于蜂窝的角落上(蜂窝状构造是航空等许多业界已经广泛采用的工业化了的优良构造,甲虫在此基础上用柱子进行强化,此种强化构造有可能给相关业界的构造设计带来有益的启示).%To clarify the dynamic construction of Allomyrina dichotoma (Linné) elytra, the distribution of trabeculae and surface structures has been investigated using scanning electron microscopy and transmitted light. There are solid trabeculae in the elytron and under penetrating light these can be seen as black dots. It is clear that trabeculae arrangement is almost entirely irregular throughout the elytron, except for some approximately straight alignment near some trachea. This irregular arrangement is different from the longitudinal rows of striations that are well known in other species,and there are no hollowed striae (punctures) on the elytral surface of A. dichotoma. Throughout the internal architecture of the elytron, there are mesh-like (honeycomb) structures. Each honeycomb usually has 1 -2 trabeculae mainly distributed at the corners of the honeycomb. The number of trabeculae present on each honeycomb is dependent on the size of the honeycomb.



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