首页> 中文期刊>无机盐工业 >十水碳酸钠在碳酸锂生产中的应用




探讨了采用ADC发泡剂副产碱渣十水碳酸钠替代工业纯碱生产碳酸锂的可能性,分别以工业纯碱、副产碱渣十水碳酸钠配制的碳酸钠溶液制备碳酸锂,并做了对比实验,考察了碱渣十水碳酸钠对成品碳酸锂品质的影响.结果发现,本工艺不仅可以使碱渣十水碳酸钠变废为宝,降低碳酸锂的生产成本,同时还可适当提高碳酸锂的质量,并且拓宽ADC发泡剂副产碱渣十水碳酸钠的处理途径.%The possibility of using ADC foaming agent's by-product caustic soda,sodium carbonate decahydrate to replace industrial soda ash in the production of lithium carbonate was discussed.Lithium carbonate samples were prepared by the sodium carbonate solutions prepared from industrial soda ash and by-product sodium carbonate decahydrate,respectively.The comparison experiment was made and the influence of sodium carbonate decahydrate on the quality of lithium carbonate was also investigated.Results showed not only this technology turned trash into treasure and reduced the cost of lithium carbonate production,but also can appropriately improve the quality of lithium carbonate,and broaden the treatment way of ADC foaming agent's by-product caustic soda,sodium carbonate decahydrate.



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